tetengo 1.8.1
A multipurpose library set
No Matches
tetengo::trie Namespace Reference

A trie library. More...


class  default_deserializer
 A default deserializer. More...
class  default_serializer
 A default serializer. More...
class  double_array
 A double array. More...
class  double_array_iterator
 A double array iterator. More...
class  memory_storage
 A memory storage. More...
class  mmap_storage
 An mmap storage. More...
class  shared_storage
 A shared storage. More...
class  storage
 A storage. More...
class  trie
 A trie. More...
class  trie_impl
 An implementation of trie. More...
class  trie_iterator
 A trie iterator. More...
class  trie_iterator_impl
 An implementation of trie iterator. More...
class  value_deserializer
 A value deserializer. More...
class  value_serializer
 A value serializer. More...

Detailed Description

A trie library.




#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/stl_interfaces/iterator_interface.hpp> // IWYU pragma: keep
namespace usage_tetengo::trie
void search()
// Prepares a trie building observer set.
// The observer set records the inserted keys and the end.
std::vector<std::string> building_observer_reports{};
[&building_observer_reports](const std::string_view& key) {
building_observer_reports.push_back(std::string{ key });
[&building_observer_reports]() { building_observer_reports.push_back("DONE"); }
// Builds a trie with initial elements.
{ "tasakibashi", -5 },
{ "nihongiguchi", -3 },
{ "kumamotoekimae", 0 },
{ "gionbashi", 5 },
{ "gofukumachi", 10 },
{ "kawaramachi", 14 },
{ "keitokukoumae", 18 },
{ "karashimachou", 22 },
building_observer_set };
(building_observer_reports == std::vector<std::string>{
// Searches the trie.
// If a perfect-matching key is found, its value is returned.
[[maybe_unused]] const int* const p_found_for_gionbashi = trie_.find("gionbashi");
assert(*p_found_for_gionbashi == 5);
// If not found, nullptr is returned.
[[maybe_unused]] const int* const p_found_for_hanabatachou = trie_.find("hanabatachou");
// Creates a subtrie consisting of the elements with the common key prefix.
const auto p_subtrie = trie_.subtrie("ka");
// Enumerates the values in the subtrie.
std::vector<int> subtrie_values{};
std::copy(std::begin(*p_subtrie), std::end(*p_subtrie), std::back_inserter(subtrie_values));
(subtrie_values == std::vector<int>{
22, // karashimachou
14, // kawaramachi
A default serializer.
Definition default_serializer.hpp:36
A trie.
Definition trie.hpp:225
A default serializer.
The building observer set type.
Definition trie.hpp:45
A trie.
A trie iterator.


#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
static void adding_observer(const char* const serialized_key, void* const p_context)
strcat((char*)p_context, serialized_key);
strcat((char*)p_context, "\n");
static void done_observer(void* const p_context)
strcat((char*)p_context, "DONE");
void usage_tetengo_trie_search()
// Prepares initial elements.
const int initial_values[] = {
-5, -3, 0, 5, 10, 14, 18, 22,
tetengo_trie_trieElement_t initial_elements[] = {
// clang-format off
{ "tasakibashi", NULL },
{ "nihongiguchi", NULL },
{ "kumamotoekimae", NULL },
{ "gionbashi", NULL },
{ "gofukumachi", NULL },
{ "kawaramachi", NULL },
{ "keitokukoumae", NULL },
{ "karashimachou", NULL },
// clang-format on
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(initial_elements) / sizeof(tetengo_trie_trieElement_t); ++i)
initial_elements[i].p_value = &initial_values[i];
// Builds a trie with the initial elements.
char building_observer_reports[128] = { '\0' };
const tetengo_trie_trie_t* const p_trie = tetengo_trie_trie_create(
sizeof(initial_elements) / sizeof(tetengo_trie_trieElement_t),
"DONE") == 0);
// Searches the trie.
// If a perfect-matching key is found, its value is returned.
const int* const p_found_for_gionbashi = (const int*)tetengo_trie_trie_find(p_trie, "gionbashi");
assert(*p_found_for_gionbashi == 5);
// If not found, NULL is returned.
const int* const p_found_for_hanabatachou = (const int*)tetengo_trie_trie_find(p_trie, "hanabatachou");
// Creates a subtrie consisting of the elements with the common key prefix.
const tetengo_trie_trie_t* const p_subtrie = tetengo_trie_trie_subtrie(p_trie, "ka");
// Enumerates the values in the subtrie.
int subtrie_values[sizeof(initial_elements) / sizeof(tetengo_trie_trieElement_t)] = { 0 };
size_t subtrie_value_count = 0;
tetengo_trie_trieIterator_t* const p_iterator = tetengo_trie_trie_createIterator(p_subtrie);
const int* const p_value = (const int*)tetengo_trie_trieIterator_get(p_iterator);
subtrie_values[subtrie_value_count] = *p_value;
assert(subtrie_value_count == 2U);
assert(subtrie_values[0] == 22); // karashimachou
assert(subtrie_values[1] == 14); // kawaramachi
// Destroys the subtrie.
// Destroys the trie.
An element type.
Definition trie.h:38
const void * p_value
Definition trie.h:43
A trie iterator.
void tetengo_trie_trieIterator_destroy(const tetengo_trie_trieIterator_t *p_iterator)
Destroys an iterator.
const void * tetengo_trie_trieIterator_get(const tetengo_trie_trieIterator_t *p_iterator)
Dereferences the iterator.
void tetengo_trie_trieIterator_next(tetengo_trie_trieIterator_t *p_iterator)
Increments the iterator.
bool tetengo_trie_trieIterator_hasNext(const tetengo_trie_trieIterator_t *p_iterator)
Returns true when the iterator will return more elements.
A trie.
tetengo_trie_trie_t * tetengo_trie_trie_create(const tetengo_trie_trieElement_t *p_elements, size_t element_count, size_t element_value_size, tetengo_trie_trie_addingObserver_t adding_observer, void *p_adding_observer_context, tetengo_trie_trie_doneObserver_t done_observer, void *p_done_observer_context, size_t double_array_density_factor)
Creates a trie.
void tetengo_trie_trie_destroy(const tetengo_trie_trie_t *p_trie)
Destroys a trie.
size_t tetengo_trie_trie_defaultDoubleArrayDensityFactor(void)
Returns the default double array density factor.
tetengo_trie_trieIterator_t * tetengo_trie_trie_createIterator(const tetengo_trie_trie_t *p_trie)
Creates an iterator.
const void * tetengo_trie_trie_find(const tetengo_trie_trie_t *p_trie, const char *key)
Finds the value object correspoinding the given key.
const tetengo_trie_trie_t * tetengo_trie_trie_subtrie(const tetengo_trie_trie_t *p_trie, const char *key_prefix)
Creates a subtrie.